Sagittarius Lunar Horoscope: June 2024 |  Vogue India

Sagittarius Lunar Horoscope: June 2024 | Vogue India

You can blame the planets all you want, Sagittarius, but the truth is, you’re not doing anything about it! This month Spirit brings with it the reminder that you are not stuck. That the way forward is clear. So, face your deep-seated fears and focus on putting one foot in front of the other. When it comes to your creative process, this is the time to throw away every rule. Your strength lies in combining two seemingly contradictory ideas/concepts. Surprise yourself and then the world! When it comes to love and relationships, a period of transition. Word to the wise: Make peace with the uncertainty associated with this process knowing that it has important life lessons to learn at this time. Oh, and one more thing! The more you work on yourself, the more you will find yourself overcoming people, places, and circumstances that do not serve your highest and greatest. Remembering that life is happening *for* you, not for you, will allow you to get to the other side with ease.

Power Crystal: Lepidolite, to support transitional energy.