FTSE rises, GSK tumbles after Zantac decision opens legal floodgates

FTSE rises, GSK tumbles after Zantac decision opens legal floodgates

The FTSE 100 rose on Monday morning despite GSK (GSK) collapsed after a US court ruling opened the door to thousands of lawsuits against its allegedly carcinogenic heartburn treatment Zantac.

The pharmaceutical giant fell 9.3% to £15.99 after a Delaware judge gave the green light for 70,000 cases to proceed and allowed expert witnesses to testify in court that the drug can cause cancer .

Investors had reached a point of some comfort with GSK’s Zantac problem as a series of US lawsuits linking the heartburn drug to cancer appeared to be winding down. However, the new ruling throws a significant wrench into the works, said AJ Bell chief investment officer Russ Mould.