Tulsa police have arrested a woman accused of stealing a vehicle

Tulsa police have arrested a woman accused of stealing a vehicle

Tulsa police have arrested a woman they say stole a man’s truck, then dragged the victim into the block as he tried to escape.

Police said that while they were investigating, Brittany Kelley brought the truck back to where she stole it.

Police said after Brittany Kelley took off with the truck, dragging the owner, she brought him back and they found her alone sitting on a nearby porch. They said they had to use pepper balls to arrest her.

Police said the victim and his friend were outside working on cars at a home near 56th Street North and Peoria Sunday afternoon when Brittany Kelley got into the victim’s truck and sped away.

“He saw her doing it and ran over and tried to stop her. While he was doing that, he kind of attached himself to the vehicle, hanging on to the side mirror, and she drugged him a little bit,” said Officer Danny Bean with Tulsa. Police.

Police found the victim a few blocks away after he fell from the moving truck. While officers were calling for help, they learned that Kelley had returned the stolen truck back home. She was sitting on a porch and police said she refused to do anything the officers told her to do.

“She was just stubborn, she wouldn’t come down and talk to the officers. She was standing outside but would not come towards them. So to eliminate any kind of physical altercation, they could just put some pepper. the ball in the zone, he didn’t hit her with it, he kind of saturated the zone, which irritated her and then she went down,” Bean said.

Police said the victim suffered some minor injuries from being dragged by the truck.

They said he and Kelley did not know each other.

“He said he had been drinking but I don’t know how much. But I think she said her original reason for leaving was to go get a beer, whatever, but she definitely took a stranger’s car,” Bean said.

The victim told police $3,000 worth of tools were missing from the truck, which sustained several hundred dollars in damage.